One of the most important factors of your business success is your reputation with your customers. That includes the quality of service you deliver to them. In many companies that means the CRM application. Your CRM is a critical component in the service landscape. It’s mission critical. Without it, you can’t service your customers optimally. Your reputation would be damaged. You would lose business. You would lose customers. You would lose money.
For vendor provided and maintained products that are viewed as mission critical, a maintenance contract is almost always provided by the vendor. For IT services such as CRM, it’s a Service Level Agreement (SLA). A Service Level Agreement is a written commitment from a vendor to a customer about the quality of service that the customer can expect.
A good example is the SuiteCRM SLA provided by the SalesAgility Support Team. This requires that we respond in less than 30 minutes to a Severity One issue. Severity One means that your system is completely down.
If your system is compromised but is still running, we have Severity Two response times.
In total, we have four Severity levels. In Q1, 2018 we delivered 100% compliance across every metric. And we did this when overall growth is in high double digits.
The reason we do this is simple: the only companies that will succeed in open source are those that deliver extraordinary service quality to their customers. In open source, there is no vendor lock-in. Customers can buy their support and development services anywhere. If customers can buy services anywhere, vendors need to deliver a quality of service that is so high that the customer never considers alternative suppliers.
13/06/2018 07:09
13/06/2018 07:03
13/06/2018 07:00